May 26 & June 2 Sunday services will be held at 2 Mile Landing Restaurant in Wildwood Crest.
Service will start at 9am (one hour earlier than the usual 10am)

What would you like to change?

July 22, 2018 Speaker: Pastor Bill Series: The Change Project

Passage: Genesis 1:27, Romans 3:23, Hebrews 1:3, Romans 8:28–30, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 2 Corinthians 3:18

 We all have things about us that we would like to change. God has a plan for change in your life as well. You were designed and created to reflect his glory, but when we rejected God that design was broken. Jesus, the true reflection of the Father was crucified and resurrected so that we could be made new. God wants us to become like Jesus. Jesus died to make that desire a reality. Seeing God's glory in Jesus by faith is what leads to true and lasting change. 

More in The Change Project

September 9, 2018

Why am I never satisfied?

September 2, 2018

Why are you so driven to succeed?

August 26, 2018

Why are you so afraid of people?